2024 Updates

  • Heaartbreak Ridge Aerial View

We had been working non-stop since 2013 on improving and updating this site. We started and completed many big additions, notably the completion of 70+years of season recaps in Past Years. These recaps required the most research with some seasons taking a week or more to complete. Most of the info on these recaps are farmed from game programs, news articles and any memorabilia sent in by alumni. We worked on this page for years, completing back to 1950 by January of 2023.

We were forced to take a break in 2023 due to health reasons and a location move, and we almost did not get the 2023 season covered. We had to consolidate all of our hard copies of media that have been collected over the years, and big thanks to Joe Chamberlain ’72 for allowing these archives to now live at his house.

Screen Capture by Snagit

We recently received much needed 1977 season information. We need to send a big shout out to former Redskin Jim Riley ’78, who managed to find about 15 canisters of reel to reel (note that we consider these reel to reels the most prized treasures) and he digitized the entire 77 season here. We urge you to take a look as this footage which is very impressive. Jim also sent us missing game programs, articles for player awards and super clean photos.Thank you Jim!

However, we are still missing a few years.We are specifically looking for game programs, photos and memorabilia of the following:

  • 1953 – anything from that year but specifically a roster
  • 1973 – anything from that year  but specifically a roster
  • 1983 – anything from that year but specifically a roster
  • Any year reel to reels in steel canisters

Please notify us is you have any of these materials, or they can be dropped off at the football office at the High School.