The Big Picture 29 – 500,000 Visitors
The Big Picture
By Paula G.
Ace Sports Reporter
500,000 and counting:
Over half-a-million visitors to ′Skins site!
February 26, 2013

2012 Fandom
Langhorne: They say the numbers don’t lie and, in this case, they certainly aren’t. For in just the eight years since “the site” started keeping count, over 500,000 fans have now stopped by the Blue and Red’s internet “home-base” to visit, browse, read, flip through pictures, watch videos and simply enjoy Neshaminy football – all courtesy of the world wide web and Bob Willits’ vision and work (and at an average of over 62,000 hits a year that ain’t too shabby).
But then again, what would you expect? After all, when you have a top-tier scholastic grid program year after year (and you can make that 86 years when you factor in this upcoming 2013 season), you just know you’re going to build one heck of a fan base (which the ‘Skins are fortunate to have). Plus Redskin fans are known for being as loyal and fanatical as they come and it’s been that way since the boys first suited up in 1928. Yup, there isn’t a better bunch of proud and faithful supporters than the ones that prowl “The Reservation”.
And while I’m on this topic, the topic of Neshaminy’s fans, I know Bob won’t mind me mentioning that although he aims to record anything and everything about “The Team” (as in the boys on the field; the Creek Kids; the Moleskinners; the Warriors; the Schmidtmen; the Redmen – the Redskins), the reality is, it’s the fans in the stands that really are the force behind what each Fall football season brings our way. You see, the team and coaches may be the engine but as Bob says, the fans are the coal and steam. So with our fearless leader’s permission, here’s a big SHOUT OUT to all of Neshaminy′s devotees – the Moms and Dads and brothers and sisters; the current students; the alumni; the cheerleaders; the girlfriends; the administration; the teachers and school personnel; and all the followers of the Redskins around the Delaware Valley, the Commonwealth and beyond. So this is for all of you; all of you that make up “The Tribe”!
So long as I’m at it, there’s a group of people who have helped to make the site what it is these last eight years and that haven’t received enough recognition (and they should). That includes Charles Lauble, Jr., Matt Bartolocci, Bobby Barr and Jesse Garber, to name just a few, and Bob Willits, of course. Then there are also some very special folks who have contributed stories, scrapbooks, articles, and what have you, IN A BIG WAY including Leon Traney, Harry and Joan Franks; Mrs. Jack Swartz; John Chaump; Mark Schmidt; Jack Stricker; Pete Cordelli, Sr.; Wayne “Inky” Schneider; Beverly Faunce; Sheila Murphy; Joe Chamberlain; Rich McHale; Tom Beccone; Dave Ott; Brian Fultz; Doug Mason, Denny Armour and the “Hall of Fame” gang and many, many more (and please excuse me if I’ve missed anyone who should have been mentioned). So hey you fans – don’t forget that the thanks should be going both ways as these are just some of the people who have helped make the ‘Skins site what it is today (all for you).

WH – waiter and trophy
Now before I close this rambling piece, I should also remind you that the site was originally designed to serve as a tribute to one of Neshaminy’s greatest teams – the 2001 State Championship group. And although that squad certainly deserves a site of its own for what was accomplished, we’re awfully glad that Bob, the driving force behind what you see up here on your screen, took the long view. And by that I mean he expanded that tribute site (which he created in 2004) to include not just a focus on that wonderful ’01 edition of the ‘Skins, but also on the entirety of the Redskin football program (from soup to nuts). So Bob, and I’m speaking for all the players, coaches and fans too – thanks. Thank you very much!
Finally, to all of you who keep coming by – thank you for your support. Never forget that the site is here for you. And keep in mind that most of what you see on here was provided by fans (that’s right). So if you have any history that should be “in the lights” – pictures, articles, memorabilia and anything else of interest – just click here and let us know.
Thank you!!
Webmasters note:
What Paula G. neglected to mention are the contributions of Bruce Traney, who played on the 1971 team and is also a member of the “Hall of Fame”. Not forgetting his “team”, he′s been instrumental in developing this website over the last eight years. Working closely with Bob Willits, their combined efforts, along with the efforts and help of many other people some of which are mentioned above, have resulted in what has today become. Perhaps deserving special mention too is that fact that almost all of the stories, articles, history, and text on the site have been written by Bruce.