The 2020s

We look forward to this new decade and the continued legacy of the Neshaminy Redskins.

Win Pct.45%
Points For908
Pts against1022


The 2020 season will go down in the record books. The year started off with a whole locker room full of tough challenges. Hit with the Covid 19 pandemic at the beginning of the year, the entire country was faced with a lot of difficult choices. School Districts were called on to come up with viable options for educational and sports programs. Neshaminy High School went 100% online in March of 2020 and managed to have a graduation ceremony for the class of '20 on the football field. Throughout the summer football decisions were made and changed frequently, sometimes daily. Fall sports options were left to each individual school.  Many Districts shut their football season down altogether, only to re-open them in late October and other Football programs were forced to shut down when one or more players tested positive.

Neshaminy opened up again for the 2020-2021 year with school choice options for parents. The Redskins came up with a 5 game in-league schedule and were able to add an additional game on Friday, November 13th. A symbolic end to a symbolic season. No fans were allowed on the visitor side, Neshaminy students were not allowed to attend and there was no snack stand. The only attendees allowed where two people per player, per band member and per cheerleader. Social distancing and masks were mandatory. Players were to mask up on the sidelines. The 'Skins ended with a 5-1 record for the year. A ton of credit go to School officials School Superintendent Rob McGee and AD Tom Magdelinskas, Coach Wilmot and his team of coaches as well as the N Club and all those who helped to get these Seniors a 2020 fall football season.


Oct. 2Friday North Penn Home7:00 PM
Oct. 9FridayPennridgeHome7:00 PM030
Oct. 19MondayAbingtonHome6:00 PM4928
Oct. 23FridayCentral Bucks WestAway7:00 PM210
Oct. 30Friday**PennsburyHome 7:00 PM340
Nov. 13FridayCentral Bucks SouthAway7:00 PM6227
Points201 104
Pts Avg 33.5017.33
* Homecoming **Senior Night ***HOF Induction


Head Coach Steve Wilmot

Mr. Redskin - Chris James

Offensive MVP - Chris James

Defensive MVP - Nate McGlone

Mr. Lineman Offense - Nick Soska

Mr. Lineman Defense - Tedo Sakhokia

Unsung Hero - David Miller

3D award - John Hutchinson

Most Improved Offense - Kenny Monaco

Most Improved Defense - Gavin O’Connor

Coach's Award - Angelina Mason

Mr. Back - Mike Donato

N Club Award - Nick Poplawski

Blair Gower Memorial Scholarship - Tedo Sakhokia

Other Memorial Scholarships delayed due to Covid -19

Captains - Due to Covid-19 no Captains were selected

Roster |  2020 Season Recap

2020 Team Photo with type

2020 Neshaminy Redskins


The 2021 season was a tough year for the team in more ways than one. Constantly looking over our shoulders for a resurgence of Covid 19, plagued by multiple injuries and the loss of so many experienced 2020 seniors, the team struggled. The good news is that a whole lot of underclassmen got a ton of experience on the field. There are many sophomores and juniors that had their chance to shine this season. We look forward to the next two years!


Aug. 27FridayArchbishop WoodHome7:00 PM037
Sep. 3Friday ****Central Bucks EastHome7:00 PM1428
Sep. 10FridayPennridgeAway7:00 PM1428
Sep. 17FridaySoudertonHome7:00 PM176
Sep. 25Saturday*Central Bucks SouthHome1:00 PM2728
Oct. 1FridayNorth PennAway7:00 PM2142
Oct. 8FridayQuakertownAway7:00 PM1035
Oct. 15FridayAbingtonAway7:00 PM2131
Oct. 22Friday**Central Bucks WestHome7:00 PM327
Nov. 1MondayPennsburyAway7:15 PM1716
Pts Avg14.4027.80
* Homecoming**Senior Night/Pink Out***Hall of Fame Induction****Camp Night


Head Coach Steve Wilmot

Mr. Redskin - Colin Schuckert-Tohm

Team MVP - Nick Buchys

Unsung Hero - Sean O’Hara

3D award - Co-Winner-Greg Orleski

3D award - Co-Winner Dayvon Tinsley

Most Improved - Charles Soska

Coach's Award - 3D award - Gavin O’Connor

Mr. Back - Markus Barnett

N Club Award - Ryan Rickards

Blair Gower Memorial Scholarship –Mason DiCesare

Roger Grove Memorial ScholarshipDylan Bove

Dick Bedesem Memorial Scholarship – Colin Schuckert-Tohm

Captains - Due to Covid-19 no Captains were selected

Roster | 2021 Season Recap


2021 Neshaminy Redskins



Aug. 26FridayOcean City, NJAway7:00 PM210
Sep. 2FridayCouncil Rock SouthAway7:00 PM217
Sep. 9FridayDowningtown WestAway7:00 PM730
Sep. 16FridayNorth PennAway7:00 PM2835
Sep. 23FridayAbington***Home7:00 PM260
Sep. 30FridayPennridgeAway7:00 PM76
Oct. 7FridayCentral Bucks WestAway7:00 PM022
Oct. 14FridayCentral Bucks South*Home7:00 PM721
Oct. 21FridayCentral Bucks EastHome7:00 PM722
Oct. 28FridayPennsbury**Home7:00 PM035
Pts Avg12.4017.80
* Homecoming **Senior Night***Hall of Fame Induction


Head Coach Steve Wilmot

Mr. Redskin - Nick Buchys

3D award - Jack Dunkley

Unsung Hero - Kyle Cunningham

MVP Offense - Markus Barnett

MVP Defense -  Nick Buchys

Mr. Lineman Offense - Zack Castagna

Mr. Lineman Defense - Joey Zack

Mr. Back -  Demacio Cooper

Most Improved -  Collin Giambrone

Blair Gower Memorial Scholarship – Joey Zack

Captains - No Captains were selected this year due to Covid

Roster | 2022 Season Recap


2022 Neshaminy Redskins


We opened the season on a brand new field on August 25th with a home game against Kensington High School.

Here is a list of firsts for this new field;

  • 1st opponent is Kensington HS
  • 1st kick was for 55 yards by Kaden Nicastro
  •  1st offensive run on our brand new turf for 10 yards and the very first TD when he punched the ball in from the 2 yard line was Carter Clee
  • 1st TD pass was for 14 yards QB Colin Baker to Anthony Gross
  • 1st PAT as well as first Field Goal was by Kaden Nicastro
  • Captains for the 1st game were 21 Demacio Cooper, 20 Doyle Swartz, 81 Jason Guyon and 9 Jared Molle.
  • 1st time for brand new scoreboard with video graphics


Aug. 25FridayKensingtonHome7:00 PM440
Sep. 1 FridayCouncil Rock SouthHome7:00 PM728
Sep. 8FridayDowningtown WestHome7:00 PM1742
Sep. 14ThursdayNorth PennHome7:00 PM1422
Sep. 22FridayAbingtonAway7:00 PM3822
Sep. 29FridayPennridge*Home7:00 PM177
Oct. 6FridayCentral Bucks West**Home7:00 PM731
Oct. 13FridayCentral Bucks SouthAway7:00 PM042
Oct. 20FridayCentral Bucks EastAway7:00 PM2827
Oct. 27FridayPennsburyAway7:00 PM2428
Pts Avg19.6024.90
* Homecoming **Senior Night


Head Coach Steve Wilmot

Mr. Redskin - Demacio Cooper

3D award - Connor Frederick

Coaches Award - Doyle Swartz

Unsung Hero -  Kyler Nelson

MVP Offense - Colin Baker

MVP Defense -  Demacio Cooper

Mr. Lineman Offense - Charlie Soska

Mr. Lineman Defense - Keiran Reardon

Mr. Back Offense -  Travis Lavelah

Mr. Back Defense -  Colton Clee

Most Improved Offense - James Glessner

Most Improved Defense - Jared Molle

N Club Award - Ryan Yedman

Blair Gower Memorial Scholarship – Kieran Reardon

Roger Grove Memorial Scholarship – Jared Molle

Chris Rogers Memorial Scholarship –  Matthew Brooks

Captains - Demacio Cooper and Kieran Reardon

Roster | 2023 Season Recap

2023 Neshaminy Redskins WIth Names 08212023

2023 Neshaminy Redskins


Neshaminy made it back to the playoffs in 202 with a stop at Owen J Roberts school for game 11. The team went 6-5 and we saw some real teamwork amongst the players. While we have many seniors graduating, we are chock full of underclassmen who have played on the Varsity team and have lots of big game experience. We wish all of our Seniors the best going forward. We hope to see you at The Ridge in coming years.


Aug. 23FridayEmmausHome7:00 PM2017
Aug. 30FridayCouncil Rock NorthHome7:00 PM3413
Sep. 7SaturdayCheltenhamAway - Wissahickon Field1:00 PM2114
Sep. 13FridayNorth PennAway7:00 PM737
Sep. 20FridayAbington***Home7:00 PM370
Sep. 27FridayCentral Bucks WestAway7:00 PM1021
Oct. 5SaturdayPennridgeAway12:00 PM383
Oct. 10ThursdayCentral Bucks East****Home7:00 PM2413
Oct. 18FridayCentral Bucks South*Home7:00 PM735
Oct. 25FridayPennsbury**Home7:00 PM2122
Nov. 1FridayOwen J Roberts Away7:00 PM2438
Pts Avg22.0919.36
* Homecoming**Senior Night***HOF Induction & 1st Responders****Pink Out


Head Coach Steve Wilmot

Mr. Redskin - Connor Frederick

3D Award - Milo Makes

Coaches Award - Jason Wilmot

MVP Offense - Michael Eckart

MVP Defense - Chris Long

Mr. Lineman Offense - Kyler Nelson

Mr. Lineman Defense - Owen Swartz

Mr. Back (Co-Award) - Michael Sassano

Mr. Back (Co-Award) - Nicolas Sassano

Most Improved Offense - Riley Durnin

Most Improved Defense - Jason Cunningham

N-Club Award - RJ Esher

Blair Gower Memorial Scholarship – Jason Cunningham

Roger Grove Memorial Scholarship Chris Long

Dick Bedesem Memorial Scholarship - Kaden Nicastro

Captains - Michael Eckart,
Connor Freserick, Owen Swartz

Roster | 2024 Season Recap

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