2009 Cheer
Sitting (left to right): Mackenzie McManus, Karsyn Spadaccino, Ginny Raddi, Paige Dumke, Casey Fehrle, Brittany Carson, Sam Fitzpatrick
Kneeling (left to right): Kate Mazur, Jess Mazur, Kate McElhare, Erin O'Brien, Tara Tracy, Brittany Deeney
Standing: Laura Chirico, Kristin Cummings, Sarah Wenda, Danielle Olander, Breana Farrell, Sara White, Jill Sincavage
Back Row: Coach Hart, Alyson Kinney, Brandi Timberman, Lexi Carroll, Alyssa Wall, Courtney Ferrara
Head Coach Mary Hart
Mary graduated from Neshaminy High School in 1997 where she cheered all three years of high school. She went on to attend La Salle University and continued to cheer there for 2 years. Upon graduating, Mary began teaching and coaching in the Neshaminy school District. This is her 9th year coaching cheerleading and teaching. Mary coached Poquessing middle school for one year. She then moved up to coach JV cheerleading at the high school for 4 years and this is her 4rd year coaching Varsity cheerleading. Mary teach 9th grade math at Maple Point Middle School.
Alyssa Wall
Date of Birth: February 12, 1992
Nickname: Lyss
Hobbies or Outside Interests: Advanced Art
Favorite Movie: A Walk to Remember
Favorite Food: Chocolate
Favorite Subject: Math
What you intend to do after graduation: I plan on majoring in mathematics in college, and then becoming a math teacher.
Most Influential People in Your Life: My parents. Thanks for supporting me in everything I do.
Most Memorable Cheerleading Memory: Being a part of the excitement at football games, all the craziness of cheer camp, and the injuries that inevitably come with the job.
Advice to Underclassmen: Don't dwell on the drama of high school or else you will miss out on the really important things that make it worth while.
Brittany Carson
Date Of Birth: 10/19/1992
Nickname: Brittany coco, Flying Carson
Hobbies or outside interests: Hanging with friends and going to the beach
Favorite Movie: Coneheads and The Butterfly Effect
Favorite Food: Sour gummy worms
Favorite Subject: Science
What do you intend to do after graduation: Go to college and become a pediatrician or trauma doctor
Most influential people in your life: My parents
Most memorable Cheerleading memory: Going to nationals last year and being the highest score of the competition and winning 5,000 dollars!
Advice to underclassmen: Work hard, Do your best, and Have fun!
Danielle Olander
Date of Birth: May 30, 1992
Nickname: Danni
Hobbies or Outside Interests: Cheerleading (duh), softball, drawing, singing
Favorite Movie: All Disney movies, I cant pick just one
Favorite Food: Chicken (all kinds)
Favorite Subject: Social Studies
What you intend to do after graduation: I plan to go to a university and major in engineering
Most Influential People in Your Life: Mommy, Daddy and Grandma
Most Memorable Cheerleading Memory: When I was cheering for a rec squad, my mom and I were able to get a picture with Andy Reid
Advice to Underclassmen: Keep at it; no matter what youre doing. It will all pay off in the end.
Erin O'Brien
Date of Birth: April 20, 1992
Hobbies or Outside Interests: Baking Cakes, Anything Disney
Favorite Movie: Any Audrey Hepburn movies
Favorite Food: Waffles and Ice Cream
Favorite Subject: English
What you intend to do after graduation: I plan to attend Penn State University then pursue a graduate degree at Carnegie Mellon University in Entertainment Technology.
Most Influential People in Your Life: My family they are always the driving force behind what I do.
Most Memorable Cheerleading Memory: Winning Grand Champions and $5,000 last year in Ocean City, MD.
Advice to Underclassmen: My advice to underclassmen is to get to know all the girls on the team, have fun, and work hard!
Jessica Mazur
Date of Birth: March 6th, 1992
Nickname: Jfad, Mom
Hobbies or Outside Interests: Hanging out with friends
Favorite Movie: The Hangover
Favorite Food: Chick-fil-a
Favorite Subject: Science
What you intend to do after graduation: Enter into a college or university and then pursue a career in medicine
Most Influential People in Your Life: My Family
Most Memorable Cheerleading Memory: Winning Grand Champs at Nationals!
Advice to Underclassmen: Its not the cards your dealt, it's how you play the hand. High school is too short to let the drama get to you, just have fun!
Jill Sincavage
Date of Birth: February 21, 1992
Hobbies or Outside Interests: Going to the beach, and hanging out with Friends.
Favorite Movie: Big Daddy
Favorite Food: Peanut butter & jelly
Favorite Subject: Math
What you intend to do after graduation: Go to college
Most Influential People in Your Life: My parents
Most Memorable Cheerleading Memory: Winning $5000 at nationals!
Advice to Underclassmen: Don't ever too confident always work your hardest and do your best, ladies
Kate McElhare
Date of Birth: December 4, 1991
Nickname: Kate Mac
Hobbies or Outside Interests: Shopping, Reading, watching movies, hanging out with friends.
Favorite Movie: Never Back Down, Dazed and Confused, and Footloose
Favorite Food: Cake batter ice cream
Favorite Subject: Business and English
What you intend to do after graduation: I plan to attend a college, preferably in the South, to study International business and political science. I hope to get my M.B.A eventually and work on Wall Street or for the government. I hope to pursue cheerleading in college as well.
Most Influential People in Your Life: My brother, Matt. He has pushed me through difficult times and made me be the best person I can be. Hes encouraged me to pursue anything and taught me to not care what people say. It's because of him that I set my goals high, so I can top all the great achievements he has.
Most Memorable Cheerleading Memory: Definitely going to Worlds in Orlando, Fl. We met so many different people and it was incredible. Also, winning Reach the Beach last season and beating Pennsbury at competitions.
Advice to Underclassmen: Stay focused, but have fun. High school is only four years long, so take chances, meet new people, step outside your boundaries, be confident, and make it memorable. It's gone before you know it.
Kristin Cummings
Date of Birth: October 28, 1991
Nickname: Kris
Hobbies or Outside Interests: Skiing, Being with friends, and going to the beach
Favorite Movie: The Hangover
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Subject: Social Studies
What you intend to do after graduation: Attend Penn State University, and be successful
Most Influential People in Your Life: My boyfriend Frankie, parents, grandparents, and brother Casey
Most Memorable Cheerleading Memory: Winning $5,000 at Nationals!
Advice to Underclassmen: Practice Makes Perfect!
Laura Chirico
Date of Birth: November 3, 1991
Nickname: La, C-whip, Baby
Hobbies or Outside Interests: shopping, going out with friends, eating
Favorite Movie: The Hangover
Favorite Food: Caesar Salad
Favorite Subject: Math
What you intend to do after graduation: Go to college, major in the business department and get my MBA
Most Influential People in Your Life: My parents and siblings
Most Memorable Cheerleading Memory: Winning nationals along with the $5,000 dollars and jackets! And of course, Abe Lincoln!
Advice to Underclassmen: "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." Avoid drama and have fun, the years fly by!
Lexi Carroll
Date of Birth: July 7, 1992
Nickname: Ming!
Hobbies or Outside Interests: Hanging out with friends, watching movies, going to the beach and theme parks!
Favorite Movie: Zoolander
Favorite Food: An Italian Hoagie
Favorite Subject: Math
What you intend to do after graduation: Go to college and become a Physical Therapist!
Most Influential People in Your Life: My mom and dad, they are always pushing me to try my hardest and do my best!
Most Memorable Cheerleading Memory: When Tyrone came to sing to Hart for her birthday, Sherm and Hart's dance they made up at camp during my first year, and winning nationals and $5,000 last year!
Advice to Underclassmen: Be the very best you can be and always keep a smile on your face! 😀
Sam Fitzpatrick
Date of Birth: October 25, 1992
Nickname: Samf
Hobbies or Outside Interests: Cheer
Favorite Movie: 13 Ghost
Favorite Food: Pretzels
Favorite Subject: Mathematics
What you intend to do after graduation: Cheer in college and become an optometrist
Most Influential People in Your Life: My sister and friends
Most Memorable Cheerleading Memory: Winning grand champs at reach the beach!
Advice to Underclassmen: Work hard and be kind.

Cheer August 24, 2009 Sara White
Sara White
Date of Birth: November 19, 1991
Nickname: Sara with no H
Hobbies or Outside Interests: Music and Friends
Favorite Movie: Willy Wonka and the Choc. Factory
Favorite Food: Pasta Alfredo
Favorite Subject: Math
What you intend to do after graduation: College
Most Influential People in Your Life: My parents
Most Memorable Cheerleading Memory: Pine Forest Cheerleading Camp
Advice to Underclassmen: Remember to be yourself and have fun!