1993 Seniors

1993 Seniors

1993 Seniors

1993 Senior 1 Dan Sock

1993 Senior 1 Dan Sock

#1 Dan Sock

Dan's activities include football, indoor and outdoor track, weightlifting, basketball, bodyboarding, volleyball and golf. He also enjoys watching t.v., reading and spending time with his family and his girlfriend. Dan's favorite subjects are drafting and math. He plans to go to college, then pursue a career in engineering or criminal justice. His parents have been influential "because they have been supportive of everything I have done." Dan will remember 10th grade Gym Night and the 10th grade indoor track season.

1993 Senior 3 Gary Leonhardt

1993 Senior 3 Gary Leonhardt

#3 Gary Leonhardt

Gary enjoys weightlifting, football, sleeping, hanging out with his friends and Gym Night. His favorite subject is history. He plans to attend a 4-year college and major in physical therapy or education. Gary will remember the Jr. class trip. His father has been influential ''because he told me to never give up."

1993 Senior 6 Eric Pertscht

1993 Senior 6 Eric Pertscht

#6 Eric Pertschi

Eric enjoys football, hunting, fishing, skiing and going to the beach. His favorite subject is Environmental Studies and he plans to go to college. The most influential people in his life are his parents.

1993 Senior 11 Dennis ODonnel

1993 Senior 11 Dennis ODonnel

#11 Dennis ODonnel

Dennis enjoys football, basketball, baseball and Student Council. He best subjects are math and business math. He plans to go to college, get married, then teach and coach. His parents and friends have been influential because they "make me strive to do better." Dennis is looking forward to the Senior Prom.

1993 Senior 13 Jared Taylor

1993 Senior 13 Jared Taylor

#13 Jared Taylor

Jared likes football, golf, volleyball, fishing, skydiving and hanging out with his friends. His favorite subjects are Spanish and gym. He plans to go to college and be rich. Jared's parents have been influential because "they push me in the right direction and stand behind all my decisions." He will remember the Jr. class trip and Gym Night and he's looking forward to the Sr. prom and graduation

1993 Senior 16 Arnold Gooch

1993 Senior 16 Arnold Gooch

#16 Arnold Gooch

Arnie enjoys playing football, baseball, volleyball, basketball a d golf and hanging out with his friends. Gym is his favorite subject. He plans to go to college, get rich, get married and have kids. The most influential person in his life is his father
"because he always pushes me to do better and he supports me in anything I do".  Arnie will remember the bus rides to and from the games when he went to states for baseball and also Gym Night.
Awards: 1993 - SOL National Conference 1st Team O

1993 Senior 19 Joe Mormello

1993 Senior 19 Joe Mormello

#19 Joe Mormello

Joe enjoys baseball, football, fishing, volleyball, Gym Night, spending time with Diane and hanging out with his friends. His best subject is math, but his favorite subject is gym ''because you can have fun." Joe plans to receive a scholarship to a 4-year college, get married and live in a mansion. The most influential people in his life are his parents and coaches ''because they push me to give 100% ." He will remember the Jr. class trip and the bus rides to states for baseball.

1993 Senior 20 Kevin Castner

1993 Senior 20 Kevin Castner

#20 Kevin Castner

Kevin plans to go to college to be a teacher, get married and have 3 boys. He enjoys foo!ball, wrestling, golf, eating, sleeping and fhrting. His best subject is social studies "because I like learning about the past", but his favorite subject is gym. The most influential people in his life are his family "because they're always there for me." Kevin will remember the Jr. class trip and graduation.

1993 Senior 21 Brad Coley

1993 Senior 21 Brad Coley

#21 Brad Coley

Brad plans to go to college to get a degree in business, play football and get married. He enjoys playing football, basketball and volleyball, being, a class officer, golfing and hanging out with his friends. Brad's best subject is accounting because its fun." The most influential people in his life are his parents and coaches "because they push me to do my best. He will remember Dan Mullen making fun of Matt Rizzo on the Jr. class trip.

1993 Senior 29 Mark Homer

1993 Senior 29 Mark Homer

#29 Mark Homer

Mark plans to join the U.S. Marine Corps after high school. He enjoys football, weightlifting and hanging out with his friends. His best subject is lunch ''because learning how to eat is easy". Mark s parents are the most influential people in his life ''because they are always behind me in whatever I do."

1993 Senior 34 Mike Carey

1993 Senior 34 Mike Carey

#34 Mike Carey

Mike enjoys football, basketball, skydiving, bungee jumping, and power sailing. His favorite subject is gym because "it's fun." He plans to graduate. Mike will remember the Jr. class trip and the Jr. Prom. The most influential person in his life is Thurman Thomas, his favorite running back.

1993 Senior 36 Steve McCreary

1993 Senior 36 Steve McCreary

#36 Steve McCreary

Steve plans to go to college so he can get a good job. He enjoys playing football, reading comic books, fishing at Penn Warner and relaxing at the beach. His favorite subject is social studies because "it's good to know the past." Steve's parents have been influential because "they set good examples." He will remember the Jr. class trip.

1993 Senior 39 Mike Butville

1993 Senior 39 Mike Butville

#39 Mike Butville

Mike, whose favorite subject is math, plans to major in engineering at the Naval Academy. He enjoys spring track, skiing, playing sports, hunting, sleeping and weightlifting. He will remember his first varsity football game at Homecoming. The most influential person in his life is his father because "he has been supportive and a good role model."
College - MIT football

1993 Senior 41 Robert Sheridan

1993 Senior 41 Robert Sheridan

#41 Robert Sheridan

Rob enjoys football, weightlifting and fishing. His favorite subject is science "because it never ceases to amaze me." He plans to go to college and be rich. His parents have been influential "because they keep me on the right path." Rob will also remember the Jr. class trip.

1993 Senior 42 Bill Borman

1993 Senior 42 Bill Borman

#42 Bill Borman

Bill plans to attend college to pursue a career in business. He enjoys football, weightlifting, spending time with Diana and fishing with Mike. His favorite subject is math, which he finds easy. He will remember Gym Night. The most influential people in his life are his parents "because they set me on the right track" and Diana "because I can count on her to be there for me."

1993 Senior 43 Nick Ciervo

1993 Senior 43 Nick Ciervo

#43 Nick Ciervo

Nick enjoys playing volleyball, riding his dirt bike and fishing. His favorite subject is drafting. He plans to go to college and major in mechanical engineering. Nick's parents are the most influential people in his life. He will remember the Jr. class trip.

1993 Senior 58 Mike Weaver

1993 Senior 58 Mike Weaver

#58 Mike Weaver

Mike enjoys weightlifting, football, fishing and Gym Night. His favorite subject is math "because it's easy." He plans to goto college after graduation. Mike's father has been influential "because he guides me." He will remember the Jr. class trip.
College: University of Pa football

1993 Senior 60 Matt Rizzo

1993 Senior 60 Matt Rizzo

#60 Matt Rizzo

Matt's activities include weightlifting, football, working, sleeping and seeing his girlfriend. His favorite subjects are biology and human physiology "because I enjoy learning about human anatomy." Matt's father has been influential "because he enlightened me as a conservative." He plans to go to college and medical school. He will remember flirting with his teachers.

1993 Senior 63 Brian Storm

1993 Senior 63 Brian Storm

#63 Brian Storm

Brian enjoys football, basketball, volleyball, hiking and weightlifting. His favorite subject is drafting. Brian plans to go to college to become an engineer. His parents have been influential "because they kept pushing me to do better." He will remember playing football.

1993 Senior 72 Bruce Beecher

1993 Senior 72 Bruce Beecher

#72 Bruce Beecher

Bruce's favorite activities are football, wrestling and track. He enjoys driving the "STANG". His best subjects are science and gym and he hopes to play football in college. Bruce will remember 7th period lunch with Courtney. The most influential person in his life is his father "because he is always pushing me to be better."

1993 Senior 74 Glenn Braksator

1993 Senior 74 Glenn Braksator

#74 Glenn Braksator

Glenn enjoys football, weightlifting, and drag racing. His favorite subjects are math and gym. After high school he plans to attend college. He will remember 7th period lunch with Courtney. The most influential person in his life is his brother "because he got me to start lifting."
College - West Chester University football

1993 Senior 78 Kurt Ritter

1993 Senior 78 Kurt Ritter

#78 Kurt Ritter

Kurt plans to go to college to become a doctor. He likes baseball, volleyball, skiing, hunting, surfing and going to the beach. His favorite subject is history ''because I enjoy learning about other times." Kurt's family has been influential "because they have stood behind me in whatever I've done." He will remember the Jr. class trip.

1993 Senior 89 Joe Baker

1993 Senior 89 Joe Baker

#89 Joe Baker

Joe plans to go to Penn State to become a robotics engineer. He enjoys football, wrestling, hockey, skydiving, fishing and hanging out with his friends. His best subject is electronics "because it's interesting and always expanding." Joe will remember the Jr. class trip, Gym Night and graduation. The most influential person in his life is his father "because he always stands behind me in whatever I do."

1993 Senior 81 Dan Mullen

1993 Senior 81 Dan Mullen

#81 Dan Mullen

Dan plans to attend a 4-year college and then open a business. He enjoys football, baseball, fishing, weightlifting, hanging out with his friends and driving the T / A. His favorite subject is gym ''because you can have fun and show your athletic ability." Dan's parents have been influential ''because they're always there to push me to succeed in sports and academics." He will remember the Jr. class trip, especially torturing Matt Rizzo while he was sleeping.