Thank you
There are so many wonderful folks who assisted in the creation of this site. Neshaminy alumni are a very special group! The best part of working with the Alumni is hearing their stories - stories of their experience of being a Redskin and playing on Heartbreak Ridge. Thank you all for your encouragement to continue and upgrade this site. We would be amiss not to give them a shout out. Note that we are working to get all the original donator's names (2005 to 2013) to the web and will update this list once they are received.
- Bruce Traney and Bob Willits without whom none of this would have been possible. Their dedication and years! of work on the site is immeasurable.
- Jesse Garber whose thousands of photos grace these pages. His contribution is outstanding and words cannot express our gratitude! He is the MVP of our media.
- Tom Magdelinskas, former Redskin, who ensures that we get access to all the memorabilia left at the school
- Coach Wilmot for allowing us 2 year unlimited access to the treasure trove of VHS and reel-to-reels stored in the Football equipment room and for his unwavering, unconditional support of this site.
- Bill Magdelinskas, former Redskin, for maintaining years of Master VHS tapes in pristine condition
- Joe Mustang Foster - former equipment manager and devoted Redskin fan for all the old game programs from the 60s to 2010, and for answering all of my prayers when I asked for help in finding specific materials for research
- Wayne Inky Schneider, former Redskin and his son Craig Schneider, for most of the media we have for the 1940s
- Joe Chamberlain, former Redskin and Coach and "keeper of the all the important stuff"
- Tom Beccone, former Redskin, for his amazing collection of photos and articles from the 60s, for all his help in IDing photos and his 2022 story.
- Leon Traney (father of Bruce), for all the 1971 memorabilia and numerous game programs
- Harry & Joan Franks, the legendary coach.
- Steve Cloak, former Redskin and son of the very first Mr. Redskin for his 70s memorabilia
- Vince Sannelli, former Redskin and his wonderful Mom, for all the ad programs and photos from the late 80s plus the long sought after 88 game against Bensalem
- Brenda Masulis, Don Cameron's daughter for her ad programs and so many very wonderful treasures!
- Chuck Gearhart, former Redskin, for the 1969 videos - the oldest full games we have!
- Chris Tredway, former NClub President and his wife Lisa Tredway, former game program coordinator - they are mainly responsible for the game archive program and we are grateful for their vision for the future!
- Jason Bowman, former Redskin, for his videos and stories
- Ralph Taylor, former Redskin, for his videos and stories
- Dave Sommers, former Redskin, for his videos and stories
- Scott Obringer, former Redskin, for his cache of reel-to-reels and his 1980 information
- Bob Barr, former Redskin & Hall of Famer, for his ad programs and the 1962 Pennsbury game
- Keith Pacheco for his band information, old band videos and the 2001 Victory Parade video
- Jesse Lamberth, former Redskin, for all the ad programs and information from the late 90s
- Craig Johns, former Redskin, for his 66|67 ad programs and newspaper articles, his original jersey from the 1966|1967 season and his great stories
- Chad Watkins, son of Bill Watkins a former Redskin, for two of the oldest game videos which you can watch here
- David Braksator, former Redskin #74 1991, for help with his college photos and his brother Glenn's college photos
- Don Wiater, father of Jason Wiater a former Redskin, for gathering all of those college photos in the football office
- Marcelous Jones, former Redskin, for his college info and all his encouragement
- Doug Rosnick, former Redskin, for his help with college photos
- All the College Players and their Moms, Redskin alumni from 2011 to 2019 for their college football photos
- Frankie McDermott, longtime fan of the program who delighted us with 4 boxes of old ad programs along with some memorabilia - what a treasure trove!
- Tim Ford former Redskin '1986, for his help with college photos and Redskin Award information
- Greg Weber for his stash of 90s material - thank you Greg!
- Bill Walker '66 former Redskin for his invaluable help with scanning missing game programs, articles and a few rare photos. Bill is wonderful!
- Jim Riley '78 former Redskin who was named Mr. Redskin for the 1977 season. Jim has our utmost gratitude for finding 30 canisters of reel to reel film from the late 70s and paying to have these digitized. The entire 77 season is here. He also sent us much needed missing info from the late 70s, such as newspaper articles, All Star listings and more. We had given up on getting any ad programs from the late 70s so his contribution is much appreciated. He also retrieved the entire 1976 season , which are being digitized.
- Joe Gettis - former Redskin '93 for his help with much needed Courier Times Articles
"Time will never dim the glory of the Neshaminy Redskins" - Harry E. Franks