2017 Seniors

2017 Seniors

Joel Stills
Joel Stillls
Number: #2
DOB: 1/11/99
Nickname: Crazy Legs
Hobbies: Football, Track & Basketball
Favorite Movie: Little Rascals
Favorite Food: Steak & mashed potatoes
Favorite Subject: Math
After Graduation Plans: College-West Virginia or Oregon University
Most Influential People in your life: My Mom & Uncle Gary
Why: My mom always bent her back for me to achieve what I want & always told me I could do it. My Uncle Gary has been a great role model for me
Most memorable Football Moment: Interception against Pennridge 31-24
Awards: 2016 – Golden Teams HM Team Defense, SOL National Conference 3rd Team D | 2017 – Mr. Back Offense, SOL National Conference 2nd Team O, Golden Teams 2nd Team O, All Star Classic Game – Bucks/Montco Player

Brock Leinbach
Brock Leinbach
Number: #3
DOB: 8/3/99
Hobbies: Football, Wrestling & hanging out with friends
Favorite Movie: Dumb & Dumber
Favorite Food: J.B. Dawson’s Texas Tenders
Favorite Subject: Math
After Graduation Plans: College-possibly for a sport & get a high-paying job
Most Influential People in your life: My parents
Why: They push me to do my best and help me along the way
Most memorable Football Moment: Going undefeated Junior year

Mike Garlick
Mike Garlick
Number: #10
DOB: 7/21/99
Nickname: Garlick
Hobbies: Lifting
Favorite Movie: Rocky IV
Favorite Food: Steak medium rare
Favorite Subject: Biology
After Graduation Plans: College Football
Most Influential People in your life: My father
Why: My Dad was always in my corner since day one
Most memorable Football Moment: Fourth Quarter in my first Varsity game against Roman Catholic – hearing the crowd roar when I intercepted the ball
Awards: 2016 – Redskin 11, Best Lifter Award, Golden Team 2nd Team Offense, Golden Team 2nd Team Defense, SOL National Conference 2nd Team O, SOL National Conference 2nd Team D | 2017 – Mr. Redskin, SOL National Conference 1st Team O, SOL National Conference 2nd Team D, Golden Teams 1st Team O, All-EasternPAFootball.com HM, All Star Classic Game – Bucks/Montco Player
College: Wesley College

Billy Clark
Billy Clark
Number: #13
DOB: 8/17/00
Nickname: Billy
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, work
Favorite Movie: Star Wars
Favorite Food: Cheesesteak
Favorite Subject: Math
After Graduation Plans: Go to college
Most Influential People in your life: My parents
Why: They will help me in anything I need them to
Most memorable Football Moment: Beating Pennridge in the playoffs last year

Mark T McClernand
Mark T McClernand
Number: #16
DOB: 7/21/99
Nickname: Wide back
Hobbies: Coaching
Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Food: Chicken Quesadillas
Favorite Subject: Math
After Graduation Plans: Attend College to be a teacher
Most Influential People in your life: My sister Kayla
Why: She faced adversity and not only overcame it, but excelled
Most memorable Football Moment: My first hold in the CR South game last year

Kevin Lutz
Kevin Lutz
Number: #19
DOB: 7/25/00
Nickname: The Real Kevin Lutz
Hobbies: Golf & Basketball
Favorite Movie: The Patriot
Favorite Food: Hamburger Helper
Favorite Subject: Social Studies
After Graduation Plans: Help with the family business
Most Influential People in your life: Steve Wilmot
Why: He pushes you to get better in every way possible
Most memorable Football Moment: The moment we sealed the fact we had an undefeated season

Mike Crescenzo
Mike Crescenzo
Number: #22
DOB: 10/25/99
Nickname: Mike aka Cenzo
Hobbies: Working out, Football & hanging with my friends
Favorite Movie: Black Hawk Down
Favorite Food: Anything edible
Favorite Subject: Science
After Graduation Plans: To go into the Service
Most Influential People in your life: My parents
Why: They push me to be the very best I can be
Most Memorable FootbalI Moment: Getting my first Varsity touchdown in Abington
Awards: Unsung Hero, SOL National Conference HM O

John Hughes
John Hughes
Number: #24
DOB: 6/13/00
Nickname: Johnny
Hobbies: Sports, riding quads & hanging out with my friends
Favorite Movie: This is the End
Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Subject: Chemistry
After Graduation Plans: College
Most Influential People in your life: My Mom & Dad
Why: They always pushed me to make myself better on & off the field
Most memorable Football Moment: Starting outside linebacker my Junior year and having an undefeated season
Awards: 2016 – Redskin 11 | 2017 – Harry Franks Scholarship

Paul DePompeo
Paul DePompeo
Number: #30
DOB: 8/1/00
Nickname: K-hall Paul
Hobbies: Football & Baseball
Favorite Movie: Step Brothers
Favorite Food: Steak & mashed potatoes
Favorite Subject: Social Studies
After Graduation Plans: College for business & play Football
Most Influential People in your life: My Dad and my brother Don
Why: They push me to be the best I can and I look up to their decisions in business and life
Most memorable Football Moment: Getting my 1st interception against Bensalem in my Junior year
Awards – 2016 – Golden Teams HM Team Defense, SOL National Conference HM Team D, Suburban One League Scholar Athlete

Ryan Link
Ryan Link
Number: #37
DOB: 4/20/00
Nickname: Weapon X
Hobbies: Fire fighter, Diving & Competitive Cheer
Favorite Movie: Back to the Future
Favorite Food: Chicken
Favorite Subject: Business
After Graduation Plans: Attend West Chester for an MBA
Most Influential People in your life: My Mom & Dad
Why: They have supported me no matter what I do
Most memorable Football Moment: Walking down the ramp for my first Friday night Football Game

Matt Levan
Matt Levan
Number: #38
DOB: 7/10/99
Nickname: Levan
Hobbies: Lacrosse & working on cars
Favorite Movie: Fast and Furious
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Subject: English
After Graduation Plans: United States Navy
Most Influential People in your life: My Dad
Why: He inspires me to do great and to be a hard worker
Most memorable Football Moment: 2015 – Beat Pennsbury to go into the playoffs

Brian Calpin
Brian Calpin
Number: #47
DOB: 3/22/00
Nickname: Fishtown
Hobbies: Listening to music & Lifting
Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans
Favorite Food: Pasta & Meatballs
Favorite Subject: History
After Graduation Plans: Work at the Navy Yard to get trained
Most Influential People in your life: My parents
Why: They always pushed me to do better
Most memorable Football Moment: Shutting out Pennsbury last year

Michael Matarazzo
Michael Matarazzo
Number: #48
DOB: 6/19/00
Nickname: One Eye
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends
Favorite Movie: The Other Guys
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Subject: Science
After Graduation Plans: Go to College
Most Influential People in your life: My parents
Why: They support me no matter what I do & they’re always there for me
Most memorable Football Moment: Shutting out Pennsbury to go undefeated

Nick Napadano
Nick Napadano
Number: #50
DOB: 5/10/00
Nickname: Nap
Hobbies: Fishing, Basketball & hanging out with friends
Favorite Movie: Happy Gilmore
Favorite Food: Fried Chicken with Corn Bread
Favorite Subject: English
After Graduation Plans: Attend College to become a Physician’s Assistant
Most Influential People in your life: Dennis Nicols
Why: He has educated me on the basic aspects of life
Most memorable Football Moment: My very first Friday night walking into Heartbreak Ridge
Awards: 2016 – Redskin 11, SOL National Conference HM Team O, Suburban One League Scholar Athlete | 2017 – Golden Teams HM, Dick Bedesem Scholarship, All Star Classic Game – Bucks/MontcoPlayer
College – Lebanon Valley College

Nick Silenok
Nick Silenok
Number: #51
DOB: 3/24/00
Nickname: Chunky
Hobbies: Fishing
Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans
Favorite Food: Cheesesteak
Favorite Subject: Math
After Graduation Plans: Go to college and play Football
Most Influential People in your life: My parents
Why: They give advice and help me with my struggles
Most memorable Football Moment: Beating Montclair
Awards: Mr. Back Offense, SOL National Conference 2nd Team O, Golden Teams 2nd Team O
College: Susquehanna University

Evan Waldron
Evan Waldron
Number: #52
DOB: 7/12/99
Nickname: Waldron
Hobbies: Basketball
Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Subject: Social Studies
After Graduation Plans: College
Most Influential People in your life: My parents
Why: They show me that no matter what like throws at you make the best of it
Most memorable Football Moment: Shutting out Pennsbury on 10/28/2016

Nick Lapergola
Nick Lapergola
Number: #54
DOB: 9/9/99
Nickname: Lap
Hobbies: Basketball and hanging out with friends
Favorite Movie: The Godfather
Favorite Food: Zia Nina’s Pasta & Meatballs
Favorite Subject: History
After Graduation Plans: Attend College
Most Influential People in your life: My parents and my sister Lauren
Why: My /mom & Dad have taught me good values, to set goals for myself and work hard to reach them. My sister has always encouraged and supported me
Most memorable Football Moment: Starting in the playoff game against Quakertown my sophomore year
Awards: SOL National Conference HM O

Lou DiFrancesco
Lou DiFrancesco
Number: #55
DOB: 7/12/00
Nickname: Big Lou
Hobbies: Basketball & Baseball
Favorite Movie: Benchwarmers
Favorite Food: Chicken
Favorite Subject: History
After Graduation Plans: Security
Most Influential People in your life: My parents
Why: They raised me right
Most memorable Football Moment: Sack in a Varsity game
Awards: Mr. Lineman Defense, SOL National Conference 1st Team D, Golden Teams 2nd Team D, All-Southeastern Pennsylvania Defense 2nd Team D, All-EasternPAFootball.com HM, 2017 PFN/Coaches’ All-State Team HM Defensive Line, Blair Gower Scholarship
College: Kutztown University

Shane Secrest
Shane Secrest
Number: #59
DOB: 3/5/00
Hobbies: Hunting and Fishing
Favorite Movie: The Interview
Favorite Food: My Dad’s sandwiches
Favorite Subject: History
After Graduation Plans: Attend College
Most Influential People in your life: My Mom & Dad
Why: They taught me a good work ethics and support me in everything I do
Most memorable Football Moment: Beating Pennsbury 35-0 to complete our undefeated regular season
Awards: 2016 – Redskin 11 | 2017 – Most Improved Offense, SOL National Conference HM O

Taylor Whitlock
Taylor Whitlock
Number: #65
DOB: 3/16/00
Hobbies: Fishing
Favorite Movie: Secondhand Lions
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Subject: Physics
After Graduation Plans: Attend College at Embry-Riddle
Most Influential People in your life: My Mom
Why: Even after losing my Dad she managed to keep going for me & my siblings
Most memorable Football Moment: Going into the locker room to celebrate our win over Pennsbury for an undefeated season

Giovanni Fiqueroa
Giovanni Fiqueroa
Number: #68
DOB: 3/26/00
Nickname: Giggy
Hobbies: Lifting & work
Favorite Movie: The Butterfly Effect
Favorite Food: Rice and Beans
Favorite Subject: Math
After Graduation Plans: Go to college to major in Criminal Justice & play football
Most Influential People in your life: My Mom & Dad
Why: Because they help me achieve all the goals I set for myself
Most memorable Football Moment: The first time I ran down the ramp starting in my first varsity game
Awards: 2016 – SOL National Conference HM Team O | 2017 – Mr. Lineman Offense, SOL National Conference 1st Team O, SOL National Conference 2nd Team D, Golden Teams 1st Team O
College: Albright College

Thomas Jackson
Thomas Jackson
Number: #70
DOB: 8/13/00
Nickname: Jackson
Hobbies: Playing video games
Favorite Movie: Full Metal Jacket
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Subject: Science
After Graduation Plans: Go to college
Most Influential People in your life: My parents
Why: Their love and support
Most memorable Football Moment: Beating Pennsbury to go 10-0 last year

Jared Clarke
Jared Clarke
Number: #73
DOB: 1/13/00
Nickname: Jerd
Hobbies: Swimming
Favorite Movie: Brother Bear
Favorite Food: Lasagna
Favorite Subject: History
After Graduation Plans: Work full time
Most Influential People in your life: My Mom
Why: She’s done so much for me and is such a strong woman
Most memorable Football Moment: Coach Gower putting me in the Pennsbury game

Jacob Kelly
Jacob Kelly
Number: #74
DOB: 10/14/99
Nickname: JJ, Big Piece
Hobbies: Basketball & Fishing
Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans
Favorite Food: Chicken Wings
Favorite Subject: History
After Graduation Plans: Go to college
Most Influential People in your life: My parents
Why: They inspire me to be who I am
Most memorable Football Moment: Beating Pennridge in the first round of the playoffs
Awards: 3D Award, SOL National Conference 3rd Team O, Golden Teams HM, Roger Grove Scholarship, Mini-Maxwell Award

Ryan Mace
Ryan Mace
Number: #75
DOB: 12/22/99
Nickname: Mace
Hobbies: Lifting / Sports
Favorite Movie: Star Wars
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Subject: History
After Graduation Plans: Attend College
Most Influential People in your life: My parents
Why: They are always supportive
Most memorable Football Moment: First game sophomore year

John Copabionco
John Copabionco
Number: #85
DOB: 4/7/99
Nickname: Cappy
Hobbies: Baseball & Football
Favorite Movie: Sandlot
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Subject: Social Studies
After Graduation Plans: Tech School
Most Influential People in your life: Mom, Grandmom & Uncle
Why: Because they always give me good advice
Most memorable Football Moment: First time running down the ramp into Heartbreak Ridge

Matt Leonhauser
Matt Leonhauser
Number: #97
DOB: 8/4/99
Nickname: Matt
Hobbies: Hanging with friends, Basketball & Soccer
Favorite Movie: Step Brothers
Favorite Food: Chick-fil-a Sandwich
Favorite Subject: Social Studies
After Graduation Plans: College, possibly teaching
Most Influential People in your life: My Mom & Dad
Why: They push me to my limits
Most memorable Football Moment: Beating Pennsbury to go undefeated
Awards: SOL National Conference 3rd Team O